Finance portfolio is created, to fulfil the need of individual, by allowing you to enter the details of your assets in a single location. Multiple security aspects has been think through while implementing it. Here is the quick overview of the security measures taken as part of this development.

  1. All the data stored in backend database is key encrypted, no one will be able to access the data, if key is not known.
  2. System also allows you to store the asset login creditionals, which comes with one additional security aspect, by allowing the encryption done at your browser side, with password, which is not stored anywhere, Hence you need to recollect the password, as we will not be able to recover the data, if lost.

If you are feeling comfortable, then you can follow these steps

  1. Currently we allow only the SSO login using Google, hence you need to have google account to access this portal. you can login at
  2. Once you logged in, you will land on the Home page, Great you are one step away from adding details. Now you will be able to perform following operations
    1. Adding of new asset
    2. View of existing assets
    3. Summary of assets
    4. Growth projection of assets
    5. Personal Profile

How to add of new asset

Provide the above details, and click on submit.

Overview of View Asset

You will be able to see all the assets added using the earlier step. You can filter the assets based on the organisation, type of account.
You have. an option to add the username, password, transaction password, if required. You can add the username, passwords, and link and click on update details. in case you wish to reset the local password, then click on the reset local password button
Remember: you. have to remember the local password, as this is not stored on our server.
You can add the asset value every month, to have decent summary overview. you can select the date and add the asset value, post that click on Add Value

Overview of Asset Summary

Your portfolio will be organized in multiple dimensions, like

  1. Summary by Net Asset Value
  2. Summary by Portfolio Type (Cash, Foreign investment, EPF & Stocks)
  3. Summary by Holder Name
  4. Summary by Month & Year, (How much increase / reduce of portfolio every month)
  5. Summary by Account Type
  6. Summary by Organisation
  7. Summary by Organisation & Account Type
  8. Detailed information

Overview of Asset Projection

You can enter the projected percentage hike on annual basis
You can enter your monthly savings, expenditure, increase in percentage on Annual basis. Duration of the time when you will be serving the job, Total duration for which projection is required. Then click on Projections
Once you click on Projections, you will be able to see the chart in above format. expenditure will be deducted from the holdings in term of Priority mentioned in row 2.

All these efforts are done on top of the Nominee management system.
