A Glimpse Of Our Marvelous Future!

Author : Yamini Gupta

So, Hey guys I am back with another topic. Which would just make you feel like you are there. Which may feel real for 5-7 min or may feel like you have actually visited the future I know that you are interested and want me to reveal all the mysteries and secrets so are you ready, sit tight and buckle yourself for another amazing journey!!!

I know that everyone wants their lives to go comfortable and easy. Several upcoming technologies in the future are going to change the whole world. They are going to make the whole world stronger and marvelous! Many people think AI is a big threat to our lives, as they think that in the future that is very soon, robots will replace people and we won’t have jobs. Have you ever imagined how it would be to be filled with robots for our assistance like they do everything, cooking, teaching, doctors, etc? I will tell you some more upcoming breakthroughs which are going to surprise you.

There are many technologies available at your fingertips currently on your phone. for example, google assistant is available for our assistants 24/7. there are many similar assistants developed by companies by their hard work like Siri and Cortona which are created by Apple and Microsoft respectively. The new upcoming breakthrough is the IoT(Internet of Things) which is almost going to be used in all possible fields like Home Automation, Software development, and even Banks.

The Internet Of Things has made our life easy, It reduces all human work and does it in a better way by automatic machines. Robots are directly linked to humans, as without humans there would be no robots because robots need to be programmed by humans. The Robots are by humans and for humans. Several other works can be controlled by Automatic machines which reduce human effort. let me tell you about the machines that would make your life easier…

One of the main breakthroughs that reduce human effort is HOME AUTOMATION. Home automation is the best way to improve future technology at your doorstep. You could just do that by your mobile or the voice assistants available for you like google home or Amazon Alexa. Just imagine, you could control your switches and all your electronics from your mobile by being anywhere in the world, this is all true it all is already proven as this technology is used in other countries it would come to India soon. Let me tell you about the upcoming breakthroughs in the world…

Some of the upcoming breakthroughs are :


Robots will destroy our jobs – and we're not ready for it | Technology |  The Guardian

.Self-Driving Cars. (solar, electric)

Consumer Acceptance of Self-Driving Cars Soars, Study Says


What are popular uses of drones? – Geospatial World

. Virtual Reality

The Important Difference Between Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and  Mixed Reality

.3D Printer

3D Printers | Airwolf 3D

I acknowledge the scientists, engineers, and all companies for the efforts they are putting in to make the world a better place with technology. There are several more upcoming projects which are currently being tested and can change the whole world.

I would recommend the people who are reading this blog to implement the technology and make themselves comfortable with working hard and also smart!